Child Care Solution
We have been challenged to convert Wordrpess sites to custom and are available for the mobile versions. A Team of TheFoxLab provided a customized solution to creating mobile applications for ios and android using angular js. We have also developed an admin panel with the required functionality along with Rest APIs (rest API documentation).
- Database design
- Migrate old WordPress data into the new system
- Android Mobiel application development (Hybrid mobile app using Angular js)
- iOS mobile application development (Hybrid mobile app using Angular js)
- Admin Panel with nice infographics charts and admin controls
- Stripe Payment gateway
- Rest API with JWT token system
- Membership plan, e-commerce for digital products, Learning portal, Software for playgroup and junior schools.
- Parents log in to keep track of their child
- School or mgt login to add child, add a daily activity, attendance, etc
- Report event, incident , growth daily basis and get a report
- Keep track of finances with the account module.
Delivered :
CMS: For managing app & website data,
Website: Angular ionic based
Hybrid Mobile app: for iOS / Android mobile application - Ionic 5 with Firebase Push notification
API: Rest API with JWT Token
Technology used
Service offered