Jaherat - Classified And Business Directory
We have been asked to provide a digital solution to the local crowd with simple and easy to use. We have challenges for UI need to make it feasible for digital illiterate or less educated people to use it. This is classified is designed and developed to keep in mind of people of rural areas where Internet connectivity is an issue, So the app should be secure, simple, and optimized.
Jaherat is a platform for people who can add a list of their services/products and shows on all the jaherat.net platform (Android, Ios, PWA). User can buy/sell a product that will expire based on admin specified time limit, Some category like the Workers/shop listing which never expires works like a local directory. It's simply easy for people to find their needs using Jaherat.net or their applications.
Google Playstore: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jaherat.app
- Navigate to particular ads
- Android Mobiel application development (Hybrid mobile app using Ionic - Angular js)
- iOS mobile application development (Hybrid mobile app using Ionic - Angular js)
- PWA app (using IONIC 6 framework)
- Admin Panel with nice infographics charts and admin controls and staff dashboard
- Speech-to-text service
- Multiple language supports as of now supported 2 Languages (English & Gujarati) but the capability to expand all regions across India / global with a regional language.
- Promotion/advt on app Management
- Rest API with JWT token system
- Solid Database: Normalization, PL/SQL, and Procedures/functions make DB operation ultra quick.
- Secure: CSRF, SQL Injection prevention, Logs, audits, password checker, JWT Token-based API
- Push notification FCM, GA-supported app.
Mobile application Features:
- Add listing with type or speech to text
- View listing
- Easy Navigation
- Verification of listing
- UPload business cards, listing photos, etc
- User basic features
Delivered :
1) Custom Backend: For managing app data with reporting2) API Development & documentation ;
3) Hybrid Mobile Application: for iOS / Android mobile application - Ionic 6 and capacitor 4 with Firebase Push notification
4) PWA - Website http://jaherat.net/
Technology used
Service offered